In the United Kingdom, every car produced for the market placed on group insurance. However, there is one exception to the rule. The car kit, the car which converted car, import car, and modifications that are not in accordance with the manufacturer's specifications are not assigned to any group.
The group ranged from one to 50. Group 1 is where all the cheapest cars to certain Groups and placed 50 have the most expensive price. As a result, the driver of car insure Group 1 pays the lowest monthly premiums.
Classification system for car insurance makes people think twice before making a purchase. Other vehicles are classified in the same way, with 20 of them for motorcycles and 20 again for van or light commercial vehicle. Most insurance companies follow system, grouping, although they are not obligated to do so.
The car placed in groups based on three main factors:
• Repair costs-according to insurance companies, more than half of their payments on claims were finally experiencing an improvement. That money covers parts and labor. One thing to consider when assigning the car to group insurance is a vehicle's vulnerability if you have an accident. It is important to assess the damage in terms of the cost of spare parts and the amount of time required to repair the vehicle. The car in the Group 1 does not require expensive component and does not need a lot of time to improve. In fact, often the labor costs that make up most of the Bill.
• Performance-the faster or more powerful car, the more expensive tastes to insure. The car accelerated quickly and have high speed is on high numbered groups because they tend to carry larger machines that cost more expensive to repair. Statistics show that the high-performance cars tend to result in more claims. Thanks to reason that people who have a high-performance car shows more risky driving behavior.
• Security-better standards, security manufacturer installed cheaper for the insured. Cars in Group 1 have a great security device. If the vehicle adds to security, then the driver's responsibility to notify the insurance company. Additional security will affect the premium. The insurer tends to love the security features are approved by Thatcham to enter immobiliser, alarm, high spec door key, etching glass, Vehicle identification number that stands out, and coded audio equipment.
Other factors that play a role in insuring the car Group 1 is his model. Different models of the same model can be landed in different groups as they may have the ability and the different performance specifications. The range of groups could do the car can landed quite widespread, affecting the driver's final decision while trying to find the vehicle.
Most of the cars end up in the Group 1 because auto insurance is a front-wheel drive with manual transmission 5 speed. They are usually a hatchback sitting four somewhat comfortable. Petrol cars and eco-friendly 999cc sized or less and do not have to be the largest motor home. This simple enough for a car driver who just need to get from Point A to Point B on a regular basis. They do not live in their vehicles and do not need all the bells and whistles.
The car is placed in Group 1 insurance tend to be attractive to those who do not feel the need to drive a luxury vehicle. Group 1 also target young drivers who have to pay very high premiums due to lack of experience. Young men, in particular, tend to make insurance claims more than anyone else.
In the end, the wisest thing to do when considering a new car insurance group is researching. While doing so, pay attention to the fact that some cars got into several groups depending on the model. The cost of the insurance premiums could largely determine the car which makes the most sense to purchase.
The car in the Group 1 includes, but is not limited to:
• Chevrolet Spark
• Citroën C1
• Fiat Panda
• Hyundai i10
• Chair Mii
• Skoda Citigo
• Vauxhall Corsa
• Volkswagen Fox and Up
who want to know more about the car which are there in the Group 1,
they can visit web sites such as,, or The list can be found at these sites are detailing a car covered in Insurance Group 1.